A joint statement to address the safety and security concerns of Hongkongers and other minoritised groups by Hong Kong-led civil society groups and allies 港人社區組織及其他族裔夥伴就其人身安全憂慮發表聯合聲明
Date: 03 December 2021 As organisations representing and/or serving and supporting Hongkongers and broader East and Southeast Asia (ESEA) communities in the UK - including groups comprising asylum seekers, refugees and migrants - and allies, we are writing to express our grave concerns about the safety and security of Hongkongers and fellow minoritised groups in the UK. This statement follows a violent attack that took place after last week’s “TIME TO ACT - Stop Racism, No to New Cold War” rally on 27th November, an event organised by The Monitoring Group, Min Quan and the Federation of Fujian Chinese; and multiple threats and tactics of intimidation used by different groups against Hongkongers and other members of ESEA communities. In general, we are concerned that calls for unity against anti-Asian racism - including that invoked by the “Stop Racism, No to New Cold War” rally organisers - have been used to silence legitimate criticisms of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its repressive regime, which have committed grave atrocities and human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims and other minoritised groups in Xinjiang, as well as against Tibetans and Hongkongers, among others. Surely this, too, is racism, even though it does not take place in the UK. This racial violence of course has global ramifications, including resulting in displacement and forced migration, with impacts on ESEA diaspora communities. What has prompted this statement in particular is the violent attack against numerous Hongkongers who organised a peaceful counter-protest to highlight the hypocrisy of this rally. Moreover, we have become aware of messages circulating on WeChat (an instant messaging app) putting a bounty on two Hong Kong activists (Simon Cheng and Nathan Law), offering £10,000 to anyone who could offer their UK addresses. Last weekend, we saw messages seeking to create vigilante groups to attack any Hong Kong groups supporting Hong Kong independence. These tactics of intimidation not only threaten the safety and security of Hongkongers (and supporters of Hongkongers’ struggles), they infringe on Hongkongers’ fundamental right to freedom of expression. Since the advent of the draconian National Security Law, many Hongkongers have migrated to the UK to seek sanctuary. Hongkongers deserve to feel safe and secure as they build their new home. We call upon the support of everyone in the UK to secure long-term protection and support for Hongkongers - and broader ESEA communities - in the UK, including through resourcing community centres, legal aid clinics, and other civic organisations. We also call on our allies to stand with us in the fight against racism and authoritarian state violence in all forms, wherever it occurs. 作為支援在英亞裔及港人(包括庇護申請人、難民、及移民) 的社區、組織及夥伴,我們僅此嚴正關切在英港人及其他少數族裔的人身安全。 本份聲明事緣於十一月二十七日由英國監察組、倫敦民權法律中心、英國福建華僑華人聯合總會主辦「停止種族主義,拒絕新冷戰」集會之後所發生的暴力襲擊事件,以及一些團體不約而同地發動針對港人及亞裔社群的恐嚇及威脅。 我們憂慮一些反種族歧視的正當訴求,被中共及一些獨裁政體的宣傳伎倆所利用和騎劫, 就像今次主辦方所推動的「停止種族主義,拒絕新冷戰」集會般,將批評中國專制政權的言論視為是針對華裔人士的偏見, 捏造成歧視亞裔人士的根源,企圖混淆英國當地公眾的視聽;對於新疆、西藏、香港及其他不同族裔人士被中共政權有系統地歧視及迫害,造成大量人口流離失所,對亞裔流散社區影響深遠的事實,卻視而不見。 而促使我們發表此聯合聲明的,是因為有數名港人以和平方式抗議上述「反種族歧視」集會的立場虛偽且誤導時,遭到與會人士的暴力襲擊。更令我們關注的,是近日微信正流傳一則懸紅,指任何人若能提供香港社運人士鄭文傑及羅冠聰的英國地址,就能獲得一萬英鎊獎金。我們亦留意到有其他微信訊息,顯示有人正組織團隊,打算向任何支持香港獨立的港人組織施襲。這些恐嚇手段不僅威脅到香港人(及其他港人的支持者)的人身安全,更嚴重侵犯了香港人的基本言論自由。 自嚴苛的《港區國安法》在香港生效後,不少港人移居英國尋求庇護。香港人在英國開展新生活時,應感到安全及受保障。 我們呼籲英國民眾支持港人、東亞及東南亞人士,確保大家在英國都能透過社區資源中心、法律援助中心和其他公民組織等,獲得長遠的保障和支援。同時,我們呼籲各盟友攜手對抗在任何地方發生、一切形式的種族主義及獨裁國家暴力。 Co-Signatories: Britons in Hong Kong Cambridge Stands with Hong Kong Conservative Friends of Hong Kong Democracy for Hong Kong Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong Good Neighbour Church England hkerschedule Hackney Chinese Community Services Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley (HKAAB) HKG International Hong Kong Link-Up Hong Kong ARC Hong Kong Aid Hong Kong Business Hub Hongkongers in Britain Hong Kong in Chester Hongkongers in Leeds Hongkongers in London Hong Kong Liberation Coalition Hong Kong Liberty Hong Kong Professional Network Hong Kong Umbrella Community (HKUC) Justitia Hong Kong LIBERKONG Power to Hongkongers Reading Hongkongers Southampton Stands With Hong Kong Sutton Hongkongers Umbrella Formations Signatories in solidarity: Cornell Society for the Promotion of East Asian Liberty End Violence and Racism Against ESEA Communities (EVR) Foundling Productions Free Tibet Global Alliance for Tibet & Persecuted Minorities (GATPM) In Common Breath Stop Uyghur Genocide (SUG) Tibetan Community in Britain UK Uyghur Community Victoria Harbor Group World Uyghur Congress (WUC) Yet Again UK