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Barriers faced by East and Southeast Asians in London with Career Progression and Recruitment

As part of our research project funded by Propel, our research officer Silfana Nasri and the HCCS team have worked with Migrants in Culture during an in-person session where we explored with the help of 27 East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) professionals, the barriers faced by ESEA Londoners in career progression and recruitment.

Migrants in Culture (MiC) is a migrant-led design agency led by artists, designers and organisers with lived experience of the UK's Hostile Immigration System. With their help, we have produced 4 visuals, summarising the discussions which took place at Hackney Chinese Community Services on Sunday 7th of April this year.

From MiC's website, "We use Visual Organising, informed by the Design Justice principles, to move towards liberated communications, build narrative change and celebrate our playful & radical imaginations.

We believe these creative skills are vital to social movements because they move us beyond the written word, challenge reductive representations and allow us to dream & breathe more deeply. "

We'd like to thank our visual note-taker Javie Huxley, our note-takers Tony and Uzma, our research participants, volunteers and everyone at Migrants in Culture for supporting this work.

*A transcript of the content of these images can be provided upon request.


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