Following the outbreak Covid, reported hate crime from East and SouthEast Asians (ESEA) to the Met immediately doubled. The figures remains substantially higher 18 months after the Covid lockdown was lifted.
Hackney Chinese Community Services (HCCS) have been monitoring the performance of the Metropolitan Police (Met) every six months with the outcomes of hate crime cases reported from the ESEA community and produced performance review reports. We highlight some worrying findings that emerged from the last analysis between March 2022 and August 2022.
· Anti-ESEA hate crime reported to the Met is 39% higher than what it was pre-Covid.
· This period finds that 100% of all charged/summonsed are with alternative offence suggesting there may have been a push to close cases to reduce backlog on the expenses of quality of investigation.
· Over the studied period March 2018 to August 2022, there are 2049 reported cases of hate incidents, of which 1749 case are completed, and at August 2022, there were 49 cases with category “Outcome Pending”. As such there are 259 reported hate cases missing from the outcome data. This requires investigation to identify what happened to the missing cases.
The full Report is attached
You can find our previous reports below: