Hackney Council is offering a pilot scheme to help support self isolation in order to tackle the spread of Covid-19. It is open now, and will continue until 30th November.
It is open to all Hackney and City residents and aims to better support residents who need to self-isolate for 10 days and who struggle to do so. This may be suitable for people who live in cramped conditions or in households of multiple generations that find it hard to isolate.
The support offer very generously includes free accommodation such as a hotel room or self-catering apartment, Care Package (Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Covid tests, sanitiser etc), tailored Infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance and referral to existing support (food, £500 grant), regular welfare calls etc
Anyone in Hackney and City who has tested positive for Covid-19, or lives with someone who has tested positive, can access extra support to help them self-isolate. You can access the support by calling the Covid Helpline on 020 8356 3111, and select option 3. If you would like HCCS to refer you, please call Wai Ha Lam who will be able to help with translation. Her number is 07761 705553.
裝設如檢測工具及消毒洗手液、預防及控制感染的個人指引、轉介你到其他援助 (如食物
及£500 的援助金) 及福利員探訪等等。
進行自我隔離。你可致電熱線電話 020 8356 3111,選取第三選項瞭解詳情。若你希望克
克尼地区政府最近开展了一项支持试验计划; 为所有因感染新冠病毒而需自我隔离10天的
人士提供援助。 试验计划在11月尾完结。
任何需要自我隔离但又遇到困难的人士可向该计划申请援助; 例如你因住在挤拥或与多代
家人同住而无法进行自我隔离。 这援助计划可提供免费住处,如酒店或自助式公寓、防
物及£500 的援助金) 及福利员探访等等。
进行自我隔离。 你可致电热线电话 020 8356 3111,选取第三选项了解详情。 若你希望